We move with the times and offer our customers seasonal services. During the high season, we operate the Bergsonne as a regular hotel. In the mid-season and low season, we welcome you Monday through Friday to our co-working and co-living space, and on weekends to our "Wellness Weekends," complete with spa experiences and the enchanting cuisine of our chef, Jean-Francois Lacourt.
Mid-Season: Mo-Fr
Co-Working | Co-Living
From Monday to Friday, you can unleash your creativity, exchange ideas with other creative minds, get some fresh air, or simply just be… far from the city noise, with a breathtaking view of the alpine panorama. It’s the perfect setting to express your creativity, focus on projects, develop new concepts during a short hike to the Kulm, or simply let your soul unwind.
We rent out our rooms at attractive annual rates, including access to the co-working space, breakfast, and coffee breaks—all-inclusive. And if you don't need the room at some point, you can return it to us for rental, and if successful, you'll receive a corresponding profit share. It's that simple.
Power Wellness for Families and Couples
High above Lake Lucerne, far from the noisy and hectic everyday life, Rigi Kaltbad offers the perfect mix of hiking, wellness, culinary delights, and pure relaxation... all in the crisp, fresh mountain air. When was the last time you woke up to the fresh scent of alpine meadows in the morning?
High Season: Mo-So
During the high season, we operate the Bergsonne as a regular hotel, complete with breakfast and regional specialties. Book your room directly with us and enjoy our best price guarantee!
Mo-Fr Co-Working
Hoch über dem Vierwaldstättersee, mit Fernblick auf das Alpenpanorama befindet sich die Bergsonne. Das 1933 gebaute Hotel wurde lange Jahre durch Dorly und Willy Camps geführt.
Heute ist es mit neuem Konzept, ein Ort der Begegnung für Digitale Nomaden, Co-Workern aus allen Branchen aber auch Liebenden auf der Suche nach dem Zauber der Königin der Berge. Zusammen mit unserem Team begrüssen wir Sie in der Bergsonne.... dem Ort des kreativen Schöpfens, der neuen Form der Arbeit und der Wiege des Seins...

Seit 1905 prägt das Hotel Bergsonne Rigi die Region rund um den Bürgenstock. Grosser Pioniergeist, ein Händchen fürs Unternehmertum und viel Liebe zur Hotellerie und Gastronomie führten das Hotel Villa Honegg durchs letzte Jahrhundert.